Tuesday, July 3, 2007


YAY! After spending the past week with both my parent's and my in-laws (they're crazy), I was finally able to get into see a sports medicine guy. Great news...I won't be cleaning my deck anymore, and I am clear to start back running. Apparently, nothing is wrong, my knee was just inflamed due to age related deterioration of my knee cartiledge. Even better news, the husband now realizes how crazy his parents are!!!

So one mile at a time, I will be able to run again. No surgery, no torn meniscus. YAY me!

1 comment:

The HAM formerly known as RunnerGirl_Yee_HAW said...

Dude, that's great! Happy to hear you are up and running (pun intended.) We've missed you and glad to see your smiling words again!