Friday, May 25, 2007

Off to camp

T minus 6 hours until summer is officially here...but who's counting?
After my rotten day at work yesterday (and a stop for new running shoes)- I took my angst outside to do a little therapy. It was beautiful out and which put a (very short lived) spring in my step. Since the NJ marathon, I've kept my runs to a minimum focusing on strength (hills, etc) so I decided to try 5 miles and see how I felt. The answer??
Not great.
I think the sole reason was my JV style nutrition/hydration plan yesterday. I repeat...JV. We're talking about 400 calories and no water from what I can remember. Yeek! Besides the cramping in my legs and growling in my stomach, I did enjoy it out there.
It must have been Friendie' Men/X-men in the Park day. In just 5 short miles I saw Bill, Dr.Dave and Rob. Luckily, Bill was the only one who saw me. Unluckily it happened to be during a moment of weakness (walking). I hate that "busted feeling."
Off we go to the wilds of East Hampton where we'll swim, bike and run to our hearts' content. I'm ready for some summer- farm stands, grilled meat, wine but am mostly looking forward to my book (Under the Banner of Heaven) and quiet time on the porch. I can't help but to imagine the line of New Yorkers waiting on the Jitney this afternoon as grown up versions of summer camp kids packing up to get shipped out.
Bon voyage!

1 comment:

RunninGirl_WHEW_WHO said...

hey HAW - did you make it back from the Hamptons???