Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today I feel like a Floating Turd

For the past 5 days I have felt like a huge floating turd. This past weekend, I traveled to Harrisburg, PA for a good old fashioned family drunk fest (don't tell my cousin's new wife, that's what I am calling her otherwise beautiful wedding!).

I didn't take any running clothes, giving myself the weekend off to spend time with my family. I don't get to see them as often as I'd like.

But crap, since I've been back, I've been quite sick...which is oh so fun when it feels like its about 89 degrees out. Each day, I hope that I will feel better enough to go for a run, and hour by such luck. The day is about to get away from me again today. So maybe I should make a correction - I feel like a turd floating in warm water. cheers.

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